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Protection For Your Data

Protecting your data is essential to avoid costly and damaging data breaches. With a growing attack surface and evolving https://datafinest.pro/2021/07/16/encryption-and-protection-for-your-data/ threats, protecting your data becomes increasingly difficult. In this article, you’ll discover about the most important strategies to protect your data and the best ways to keep your data safe from hackers and other malicious actors.


Privacy is the legal right of individuals to control how their personal information is used and used as well as disclosed. This includes the right to request that organizations stop using their personal data. However the protection of data goes on to ensure that personal information is only accessible by authorized personnel. Data protection also includes encryption of personal data to ensure that only those with the encryption keys are able to access the information. This is particularly important when transferring information over the internet, or when storing it on a mobile phone or laptop. It is also important to comply with laws and regulations regarding the use of personal data such as GDPR or CCPA.

A lot of attacks are based on people and hackers are seeking to steal your data to sell it on the dark web or make use of it for different illicit purposes. This is why it’s so crucial to be aware of your data and shield it from malicious attackers. This is why you should invest in strong authentication methods that confirm the identity of an individual by examining what they know (e.g. an account number) or have (e.g. security token or fingerprint).

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شرایط کسب امتیاز از طریق ثبت نظر چیست؟
شما می توانید پس از دریافت سفارش، نظر خود را در رابطه با محصول خریداری شده در ایران کالا بنویسید. پس از تایید نظر شما توسط کارشناسان ایران کالا، امتیاز برای شما ثبت می‌شود.تا قبل از تایید نظر امتیاز شما در قسمت تاریخچه بخش امتیازات در صف نمایش داده میشود.
چرا بایستی در حساب کاربری شماره کارت ثبت کنم؟
در صورتی که از خرید خود منصرف شوید ایران کالا در کمترین زمان ممکن مبلغ را به شماره کارت شما برگشت می دهد. مهم است که شماره کارت به نام مالک حساب کاربری ثبت داشته باشید
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کلیه مکاتبات ایران کالا با آدرس ایمیل شما انجام می شود.