فروشگاه اینترنتی آلیسا مارکت
0 محصولات نمایش سبد خرید

سبد خرید شما خالی است.

Solutions and Asylum Procedures

After the COVID-19 pandemic halted many asylum procedures throughout Europe, fresh technologies have become reviving these systems. Coming from lie detection tools examined at the edge to a system for confirming documents and transcribes selection interviews, a wide range of technology is being applied to asylum applications. This article is exploring just how these systems have reshaped the ways asylum procedures are conducted. This reveals just how asylum seekers happen to be transformed into pressured hindered techno-users: They are asked to conform to a series of techno-bureaucratic steps and to keep up with capricious tiny within criteria and deadlines. This obstructs their particular capacity to understand these systems and to follow their legal right for cover.

It also shows how these kinds of technologies are embedded in refugee governance: They accomplish the ‘circuits of financial-humanitarianism’ that function through a flutter of distributed technological requirements. These requirements increase asylum seekers’ socio-legal precarity by hindering all of them from interacting with the channels of cover. It www.ascella-llc.com/generated-post/ further states that examines of securitization and victimization should be along with an insight in the disciplinary mechanisms worth mentioning technologies, by which migrants will be turned into data-generating subjects who also are self-disciplined by their reliability on technology.

Drawing on Foucault’s notion of power/knowledge and comarcal understanding, the article states that these technology have an natural obstructiveness. There is a double result: while they help to expedite the asylum process, they also make it difficult with regards to refugees to navigate these types of systems. They are really positioned in a ‘knowledge deficit’ that makes them vulnerable to bogus decisions of non-governmental actors, and ill-informed and unreliable narratives about their situations. Moreover, that they pose fresh risks of’machine mistakes’ that may result in erroneous or discriminatory outcomes.

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